Section I
Rules for Writing
Papers must be written in Turkish or English.
Papers must be sent in MS Word format.
Font Type and Size: Calibri, 12 pt.
Title: Calibri, 12 Punto (Bold)
Margins: Top, bottom, left, and right margins 2.5 cm
Paragraph and Line Spacing: Before 6 pt., after 6 pt., single 1.5 line spacing, and paragraph indentation left aligned
Articles must be 3000 (min.) to 7000 (max.) words.
Articles must contain the following parts:
Title in Turkish, a summary of 150 (min.) to 200 (max.) words with 4 to 8 keywords and a title
Title in English, a summary of 150 (min.) to 200 (max.) words with 4 to 8 keywords and a title
Vocabulary and grammar must meet the standards and regulatory body of the Turkish Language Rules.
References and Bibliography
The reference format in Ahlâk Journal is APA (American Psychological Association) Style 7th Edition. Both references and bibliography must be prepared in accordance with the APA 6th edition.
All visual elements must be in appropriate formats and extensions (.jpg, .pdf, or .png), resolution and best-fit size.
All tables (including titles, definitions, descriptions, and footnotes) must be complete.
Tables, figures, pictures and charts should be of a size appropriate to the page of the journal. If necessary, they can be written in smaller font sizes and single-spaced. Tables and charts should be numbered sequentially in accordance with their appearance in the manuscript. Footnotes of the tables should be placed just below the body of the table, and these should be indicated with lowercase descriptive letters. Vertical rulers should be avoided. As few tables as possible should be used, and care should be taken to ensure that the data presented in the tables are not identical to the results already presented elsewhere in the article.
Quotations: When quotations are made in the texts, it should be ensured that the sources to be cited as references are included in the relevant section. It is not advisable to cite works and personal contacts that have not been published anywhere in the references section. There is no harm in mentioning them in the text. If these references are included in the section to which they belong, the standard referencing criteria of the journal should be followed, and the publication date section should be replaced with the headings “unpublished studies” or “personal links”.
Internet Connection References: Authors should indicate the Internet link references they use, the entire link address, and the time of the last access. Information such as author names, dates, and publication references should also be provided if included or known within the reference. Internet link references may be listed separately (e.g. after the reference list) or added to the reference list.
Permission to use proprietary material must be obtained from the source (including websites).
Information about Authors
Author(s): Title, Name and Surname (Bold) (Name: Only the first letter is in the capital. Surname: All letters are in the capital.
Information about Institute and Communication: Author(s) information about Institute (University and Department), E-mail address, Orcid No.
Information about the author(s) must be written on a separate page.
Sending Paper and Review Process
Papers are e-mailed to
Sending a paper means that the paper has not been published before and is being reviewed for publication. Articles are checked stylistically by the editor at first. If an article provides the conditions required in terms of content and style, then the editor begins the review process for publication.
The article is sent to two reviewers, and in case of need, a third one. The publication of the article depends on the approval of the reviewers. Authors are supposed to make all corrections requested by reviewers.
Application Declaration
The study to be sent (and the thesis included) should not have been published or already in the evaluation process for publishing on any medium before. Therefore, sending a text to be reviewed and decided by the committee means the study has neither been published nor is already in the decision process for publication. When a text is approved explicitly to be published, it means that the study will not be published in a journal, in English or any other language, without the permission of the owner of the text.
Authors should add copyright approval text for the articles they submit to Ahlâk Journal. (Copyright Approval Form)
Author Staff of the Study
The author list should be limited to those who have contributed to the study in question through ideas, proposals, creation or translation. Persons who made these important contributions should be labelled as co-authors. Those who helped in the research project should be labelled contributors.
The author of the correspondence with the editor of Ahlâk Journal should make it clear that the co-authors have been accurately acknowledged and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to submit it for publication.
Publication Period
Ahlâk Journal is published twice a year.
Fee Policy
Ahlâk Journal does not charge fees such as refereeing or publishing fees from the authors.
Section II
Evaluation Policy
An in-depth and qualified review process is a sine qua non for scientific progress. The reviews by independent scholars serve as a recommendation to the editorial board of Ahlâk Journal to publish the best articles. Articles are subjected to a wholly confidential and reliable evaluation process.
The editorial staff and readership of Ahlâk Journal are international. The referees who evaluate the articles are selected as competent names in their fields. The names of the referees are kept confidential and are known by the editors, who must also remain confidential. Each application for publication is examined impartially, regardless of the race, gender, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, political orientation, age or reputation of the authors.
Duties of the Editor
The decision to publish, impartiality, confidentiality, cooperation in research
Selection and Duties of Evaluators
The Ahlâk Journal referees are selected from the experts on the subject mentioned in the submitted article. The reasons for their selection are their originality and scientific knowledge in their fields. Each reviewer is informed in detail about what Ahlâk Journal expects from him/her. Each of them is asked to prepare a detailed form or evaluation report. Persons who have a difference of opinion on an article cannot evaluate that article. Evaluations are expected to be professional, qualified, nuanced and constructive. The main elements required for a qualified evaluation are as follows:
Reviewers identify and comment on the strengths and weaknesses of important aspects of the manuscript, such as organisation and methodology.
Reviewers provide constructive criticism of the author’s data processing.
The reviewers identify the weaknesses and strengths of the study as a written communication tool, regardless of its organisation, methodology, results and processing.
The reviewers express their opinions on whether the study raises ethical concerns and whether it has a low scientific standard.
Reviewers can provide practical and helpful advice to the authors on improving the manuscript.
The reviewers’ criticism should be constructive and professional, without offence to the author.
The review should provide the editor with the proper perspective and context for acceptance and revision of the manuscript.
Reviewers are expected to identify works that have not used citations and to use citations to indicate which elements have already been cited in the work. Reviewers should note striking similarities between a work published in another journal or submitted to Ahlâk Journal.
Reviewers do not contact the author directly. It is better to contact the author through the editor of Ahlâk Journal.
Development of the Evaluation Process
The editors of Ahlâk Journal review the articles in terms of quality. Editors who do not contribute to the quality of Ahlâk Journal may be removed from the editorial board.
The information and opinions obtained by the referees during the evaluation process are kept confidential by the referees. They will never be used as an advantage in any way.
The reviewers cannot take, copy, or use the application anywhere. At the same time, the reviewers cannot share these studies with their colleagues without the editor’s permission.
The submission may not be taken or copied by the reviewers. Also, reviewers may not share the work with their colleagues without the editor’s written permission.
Reviewers and editors may not make any professional or personal use of the data, comments or issues prior to publication unless specific permission has been obtained from the authors. They may not openly edit or comment anywhere.
Reviewers should inform the editorial board if there is any difference of opinion or conflict of interest.
Reviewers should inform Ahlâk Journal immediately if they cannot review any work or if they can do so with some delay.
Reviewers should evaluate the quality of the work objectively. They should be open and impartial, avoid criticism, and never target someone personally.
If the reviewers suspect any violation, they should easily report it to the editor. They should never report the situation in question to other parties.
Publishing Order
After the correction and editorial process is over, articles are prepared for publishing by the journal’s editorial board. Under normal conditions, articles are published according to their submission date, yet special occasions, files and actual situations might be prioritised. When taken, the author(s) are informed about it.
Acceptance and Approval Letter
The editorial board sends a letter of acceptance to the author, if needed or demanded, which indicates the situation of his/her article. The letter will include the “Digital Object Identifier” (DOI) number, which the author might need formal processes.
The Usage of DOI
DOI can be used for quotation or connection with electronic documents. DOI consists of alpha-numeric strings assigned to documents by the publisher at the onset of electronic publishing and is unique. The assigned DOI cannot be changed. Therefore, it is a tool suitable for quotation, especially for articles in which the bibliography is not ready and in the publishing process.
An accurate example of a DOI for Ahlâk Journal is (Internet address format)
When DOI is used for linking to a document on the internet, this identifier does not change.
Section III
Ethics Policy
The publication of articles evaluated by competent academics in the field is a situation that creates respect for the work done and is important in developing a systematic knowledge network. This process directly shows the quality of the authors and the organisations that support them. Therefore, all the factors involved in the study (authors, editors, reviewers, and journal authorities) must agree on the ethical behaviour expected from them.
Transfer Required Information
Authors who put their in-depth and original work into an article should describe their research in detail and express the original value of the study. The article should accurately convey the data obtained and contain enough detail and references to prevent others from repeating the study. Statements that are far from reality and deliberately distorted are contrary to research ethics and the originality of the article and are unacceptable. Editorials reflecting an opinion are also handled accordingly.
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors must prove that their work is their own and original. If they have used the works and sentences of other people, they should cite and quote them correctly.
Plagiarism is not only unethical but also unacceptable. Presenting someone else’s work as one’s own, rewriting the skeleton of another work by changing it, or presenting someone else’s research as one’s conclusions are among the types of plagiarism. Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable.
Multiple, Repeated and Simultaneous Broadcasting
It is not ethical for authors to have their submitted work published in multiple journals simultaneously.
In addition, authors should not submit their previously published work to another journal for evaluation. However, in extreme cases, some documents and article types may be accepted in multiple journals if the conditions are met. References to the first publication should be cited regularly in the second publication.
Description of Resources
The works of other authors should be introduced in a classified manner. Private information obtained by conversation, correspondence or discussion involving third parties should not be transmitted in any form without the written permission of the source. Information obtained as a result of official correspondence or official applications should never be used without the author’s written permission.
Patent and Differences of Opinion/Conflicts of Interest
All authors must disclose any financial, personal, or other relationships with individuals or organisations that may improperly influence or negatively impact their work within three years of their research.
If such inappropriate situations or conflicts are current or potentially ongoing, it is safest to disclose them to Ahlâk Journal. Applications should also declare all relationships and connections that may be seen as potential and actual conflicts of interest/conflicts of opinion. Ahlâk Journal may consider such information in the editorial process to make the necessary decisions and may publish such declarations if necessary. As a result of the mentioned conflict/disagreement, Ahlâk Journal has the right not to publish the article. All authors should inform the editor of Ahlâk Journal about this conflict.
All financial returns of the project should be clearly stated and included in a separate section of the study under the heading “financial resources” before the references.
All financial sources of the project should also be indicated. This declaration (under the title “List of financial sources”) should be included in a separate study section immediately before the References. Authors must indicate the phases and processes in which the unit(s) providing financial support to them took part.
Section IV
Data Access and Protection
For corrections to be made during publication, the author(s) of the article may be requested to show the sources they use. When such a request is made, the authors must provide access to the sources. It will benefit both parties if the authors keep the sources and data they have used after the article is written.
Data Access
As required by the principle of transparency, all data concerning the articles will be preserved in an external channel or open to public access.
Changing in the Editorial Staff
Ahlâk Journal accepts to update, add, or remove the author names before publishing an approved study. Requests must be negotiated with Ahlâk Journal by the author who initiated the correspondence. Requests should include:
The reason for adding, removing or readjusting a name,
Approval for the changes and readjusting of each author (via e-mail, fax or letter). (The author whose name will be delivered should also approve such a change.)
In the case of a request for readjust by an author who did not initiate the correspondence with Ahlâk Journal, it will be negotiated with the writer/researcher, who must follow the abovementioned correspondence procedure.
The editor of Ahlâk Journal has the initiative of suspending the publishing of the journal until the editorial board is informed about the demands and a consensus is reached by the editorial staff about a study that has been approved. After a study has been published, correction requests will be refused.
Fundamental Errors in Published Studies
If authors notice a significant error or inaccuracy in their published manuscript, they should notify the editor of Ahlâk Journal as soon as possible and cooperate with the authorised persons to withdraw or correct the manuscript. If the editor or publisher becomes aware through third parties that the published work contains significant errors or inaccuracies, it is the responsibility of the author to withdraw or correct the work or to provide evidence of the accuracy of the original work.
Open Journal System
Ahlâk Journal accepts article submissions through the Open Journal System. Applications are made entirely online via our website.
Open Journal System (OJS) is an open-source academic journal management and publishing system developed within the scope of the Public Knowledge Project, which can be used free of charge by anyone who wishes.
The system covers the people involved in publishing academic journals and their authorisations, including features such as article acceptance, review, assignment to referees, reporting results, and publishing.
Open Journal System is a free and open-source software that can be used by all journals worldwide. Ease of access increases the readership of journals and increases the contribution to societies on a global basis.
Open and Accessible Data System
Ahlâk Journal is open for public access. The published data and articles are put on the website ( of Ahlâk Journal. Therefore, researchers and those interested can download, read, and, provided that the references are given, photocopy the articles published in Ahlâk Journal.
Articles published in Ahlâk Journal are archived on the journal website and via via doi number.
The papers are licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Journal Copies and PDF Format
An online copy of Ahlâk Journal will be sent to (each of) the author(s). The PDF of the article will be sent to the author who carries out the correspondence.
Information Source
In any case, those who would like to get information about the published works and the submitted works, make corrections, and contribute can contact us by sending an e-mail to Ahlâk Journal evaluates every work within the framework of its originality and objectively evaluates every qualified work. Every work submitted within the specified framework may be published in Ahlâk Journal.
Revenue Sources
Ahlâk Journal does not belong to any commercial organisations and all expenses are covered by the publisher.
Advertising Policy
Ahlâk Journal does not belong to any commercial organisations. It does not publish any advertisements.
Direct Marketing Policy
Ahlâk Journal does not belong to any commercial organisations. It uses no direct marketing methods.